Installing Zentrox

Table of contents
  1. Connecting with your computer
  2. Starting the installer
  3. Running the server
  4. First steps
1. Connecting with your computer
Zentrox only works on Linux. (Supported distros and branches: Debian, Arch and RHEL)

To install Zentrox, please open a terminal on the server you want to install Zentrox on.

You have two options to do this.
You can use a terminal emulator or tty by opening a terminal window or local TTY on your device. This requires a GUI or physical access to the device with a screen.
Alternatively, you can open a remote connection to your server using SSH (Secure Shell), VNC or Telnet.

2. Starting the installer

With your terminal ready, you can run the command that was just copied to your clipboard on the machine.
If you have to enter the command manually, here is it: curl -fsSL -o zentrox_installer.bash; bash zentrox_installer.bash
This command will download the installer to your system and run it.
During the installation the installer will:

3. Running the server

After the installation is done, you can start the Zentrox server.
The installer will provide you with a command that you can copy to run Zentrox.
Alternatively you can also use this command:
cd ~/zentrox; node index.js
This will start Zentrox on https://IP-TO-YOUR-SERVER:3000/
Please store this command somewhere or remember it, if you want to restart Zentrox after it was stopped or it crashed.
If you want to restart the server. Please press CTRL+C in your terminal or use the UI to stop Zentrox.
You can now re-run the command from above.

4. First steps

You can now access Zentrox under https://IP-TO-YOUR-SERVER:3000/.
Using the username and password you configured in the installer, you can login and view the dashboard.
From there, please follow the documentation.

Zentrox is a work in progress. Please do not treat the current state of the project as the final result.


Beginner friendly home server admin and setup

Get started right from the terminal 👇

💡 What problem does Zentrox solve?

Zentrox makes home server administration easy by providing tools and features that make sure you stay in control.
It helps you with getting an overview of your system and managing what runs on it and when.
You will not be met with a chaotic mess, but with a clean interface for your device.

❓ Why should I choose Zentrox?


Zentrox supports basic and advanced servers and options like FTP and SMB by default. They can be configured and started using the web interface. Every server has integrated encryption with easy setup.

Supported servers:
FTP | (Soon to be) in work: SMB, WebDAV, SSH


Monitor your system's resources with an intuitive dashboard. Watch real-time CPU, RAM, and disk usage, track running processes, and more. Stay in control with easy-to-read metrics.

Measured resources:
CPU, RAM, System disk, Battery state, System name

Open source

Zentrox is a fully open source and free project. It has no interest in tracking you or collection your data and also does not do so. You can view the code on the GitHub repository.

GitHub repository:


You can manage system packages & applications using a simple interface that supports most Linux package managers. It lets you search, remove and install tools onto your system with just a few clicks.

Supported package managers:
DNF (RHEL/Fedora), APT (Debian), Pacman (Arch)